
Out of the frying pan into the...

Welcome to my page. It has no style or even grace for the time being. But I hope to become more of a creator than a mere observer/consumer in the internet.

Still learning a bit of html. Which means some pages will need to be updated based on the format I'm trying to figure out. Here's a list of pages I want to add

Quick Site Update
Updated the Artists page.
-Added more artists
Updated the Artists page.
-Started a table to categorize artists for this recent convention. Still in progress.
Updated the Food page.
-Added recipe "Tender Pork"
-Used "figure" for styling the images
Updated the Archery page.
-Added pictures and logging for archery sessions
Updated the Food page.
-Updated layout for the Arayes recipe
In this page
-Added to do list at the top
-Update title from "Daily Log" to "Daily Personal Log"
Updated the Food page.
-Added an update box to log what I cook/eat
Updated the layout for the following pages.
-landing page
-food page
-Gyudon recipe page
Daily Personal Log
Finished watching Phantom of the Opera. I watched it one when I was a kid, then saw the actual play. Rewatching it again I'm surprised that I still remember some of the songs, the music absolutely goes hard.
Still fasting, skipped breakfast and lunch. Only had some pork, pickles, and an egg and cheese sandwich.
Monday wasn't as bad as usual. Going to try and fast again, been eating too much lately didn't eat breakfast, lunch, or even snack at work today. But I will be eating dinner in order to clear out my fridge of perishables so no food is wasted.
My bow may be coming later this week. Might go the range regardless but I'd rather resume thumb style instead.
Saturday yay! Woke up early and did some laundry. Cooked hash browns and potatoes. Worked on the site.
Just another day. Did some climbing today (bouldering). I have yet to rip my skin again which is a good thing. Won't work on the website much today besides logging.
Did some archery today, my friend actually signed us up for a class. Even though I have some experience it was still pretty helpful.
It's nice to see how someone else describes how to refine a concept or technique, sometimes hearing it differently makes it click.
I don't think I'll be going back until my bow gets here next week. Since the range's way of handling greatly differs from my style which may explain the discrepancy.
It was a 3-day weekend, so it's always off-putting to have Monday blues on a Tuesday and learning you only work for 4 days.
Man do I feel bad for not updating this website as long as I did.
According to the site it's been 8 months!!
Anyway I'm back and this past week I actually learned how to layout my site